Celestial Thought


I’ve been reading The Community of Self by Dr. Na’im Akbar. It’s a very short book in very plain language. I recommend everyone reading this to get your hands on that book and read it. I’ve only finished the first part, and already I find myself winning the inner battle that happens every time there is a difficult decision to be made. The first part of the book breaks down the

Self and Community

The definition of the self comes from the self through the community. I find the acme of my worth through the eyes of those closest to me. They see in me the attributes that a life of spiritual and social sickness has blinded me to. Sometimes it feels like I am going no where. However, my schedule is hectic. I leave my house before the sun rise and return way after it

Mandinga de Escravo

All things of worth require sacrifice. One must give in order to receive. Give something of equal or greater value. In a relationship we give of ourselves and expect our other half to match the offering. Everything must be in balance – give and take – for energy cannot be created or destroyed, only manipulated and altered. I am a capoeirista. Capoeira is magic. Mandinga de escravo. Slave magic born

Kwanzaa and Capoeira

It has been sometime since my last post. Life has a tendency to get in the way of our best laid plans. But, that’s just an excuse. I didn’t feel like writing. Why? I can’t tell you. It could be fear or a lack of motivation. Regardless of what the reason may be, I didn’t post anything. End result is the same. That being said, let’s get to the meat

A Good Day

I had a good day yesterday. I woke up after getting plenty of rest. Granted, I bummed around the house for most of the daylight hours, but I got some things done. Then I went for a walk for about 4 blocks and there a friend came and picked me up to give me a ride to capoeira. I was not there in time for the class but I did

Tooth and Nail

Never give in to despair. It means the end of hope and the end of creating. Never give in. Fight until blood streams from your eyes. Better that than to lay down and accept defeat. Never retreat. Attack in a different direction. Fight on the high ground. Fight from the low ground. Never cease the struggle, it is the Kalakuta Show.

Unexpected Enrichment

I went to school yesterday for the only class I have on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Social Environment. We had an exam, meaning that I left as soon as i was done. One of my classmates is an art major and she told me about the exhibition for the art professors. It sounded interesting so I went to check it out. There were many mediums and all of it pretty good

A Divine Gift

So I was sitting down at the Starbucks over by Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus yesterday with a friend. I had gone to work with my laptop battery almost dead and in a stroke of genius, I left my charger at home. Now, after about 10 minutes I was staring at the black screen of my laptop, somewhat dejected. My friend hands me a pen and several sheets of blank

Nueva Musica

I love hearing new music that just shoves right through all of the sentient defenses and rocks your reality, lighting your center afire. Starts with a tapping foot. Then the shoulders start to rotate and bounce. Next thing you know the world is dancing with you as you live the joy of the sound. Yesterday I was heading home after work and I was listening to 88.9 FM WDNA, the

Sudden Reminiscence

I was recently thinking about my last 5 months in San Diego. From a musical point of reference. At the time I was listening a lot to Nneka and Erykah Badu. The beginning of my Afrocentric discovery of identity and self-determination. The music was fulfilling and touched a part of me I did not know existed, at the time. I listened to their albums constantly. So it’s been quite a

Truth and Disappointment

Last night I went to Tobacco Road in Downtown Miami to their 1st Annual Hip Hop thingamajjigger. Don’t really care about all that, I just went to go see Dead Prez. Now, getting there was a whole mission and a half. It did color my night with a slight patina of disappointment. Not in the show. Dead Prez was amazing. Those two brothers were on stage in dashikis, expressing their


One of my biggest obstacles in my journey to individuation is self-confidence. It’s a sizable issue in my everyday decisions. There are things that I have done in my life that I could have excelled at. What happened instead is that I could not stop second-guessing myself. So, I’m going to stop explaining myself. I’m going to do and achieve and stop talking. You see, for those like me, perpetually


Several months back I made the decision to begin learning and training in capoeira. For those of you who do not know what capoeira is, check out Capoeira Sol e Lua and this video. I also highly suggest watching Besouro. This Afro-Brazilian art form is much more than a martial art. There are spiritual and philosophical tenets that can only be understood within the roda. There are links to ancient African overstanding and

The Center

I stand before the colors The sounds The sensation of life. I bask in it The glorious saturation Deep within. Reaching forth towards Myself The perception of the mirror. Skittering the darkness Floating the dreams Climbing. The star that is Existing At the center Radiating Lighting the path to Climb through the eye Into the Cosmic Dream.

No Limitations

It is quite a harsh realization when one becomes aware that the greatest obstacle in one’s path is one’s self. That moment of truth is enough to send the most jaded psyche reeling sideways into a dark void. At which point there are two choices: wallow in self-pity or get the fuck up and do something about it. Self-determination starts with self-discipline. It is easier said than done and it will not