Every day I walk by,
mind seemingly high,
only really closed and tight,
caught anxiously going right
right round and round.
Circling a pool void of light,
no matter my might,
trapped in a panopticon
of my psyche.
Three walls enclosed,
the fourth open to let in
sickly rays of thoughts from my jailer.
He that I cannot see,
only suspect in whispers of dreams,
that present he may be, possibly,
The possibility alone deterring me
from reaching and expanding out,
releasing the bars and walls captivating me.
To witness the tree I hurry by,
every day.
Never heeding it’s blooming,
blossoms lighting existence aflame.
Living a dance and moving,
a rhythm thrumming the branches,
setting my vision ablaze.
Clearing my sight and cleansing,
my soul speaks; singing a song.
Pitch and frequency known by all,
vibrating on a wave spreading to encompass
The Cosmos.

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