So I was sitting down at the Starbucks over by Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus yesterday with a friend. I had gone to work with my laptop battery almost dead and in a stroke of genius, I left my charger at home. Now, after about 10 minutes I was staring at the black screen of my laptop, somewhat dejected. My friend hands me a pen and several sheets of blank white paper and says “Draw or write or something.” So I started doodling. Lines intersected each other, lengthened into curves. Shapes that at first made no sense started coming together into something with potential. I’ve always said I could never draw and I don’t think I’ll be selling my work in a gallery. Yet, that fact is irrelevant because it’s not about monetary results. It’s about opening the door to myself and letting my creativity flow. Take a picture, draw some shit, sing a song, do a dance, do SOMETHING. Get in touch with your self and create something. It is a divine gift, do not squander it.

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