I love hearing new music that just shoves right through all of the sentient defenses and rocks your reality, lighting your center afire. Starts with a tapping foot. Then the shoulders start to rotate and bounce. Next thing you know the world is dancing with you as you live the joy of the sound.

Yesterday I was heading home after work and I was listening to 88.9 FM WDNA, the NPR Jazz station down here in Miami. Afropop Worldwide was airing and I caught the tail end of it. My interest was definitely piqued and it felt like the world had made a decision for me as to what would be the new artistic creations I would be exploring. Today after work I went to the site and listened to the recording of the segment. To say that the sounds I heard were amazing would shame me as a writer. There are much better words out there. I’ll let you find your own words and tell me after you listen.

There was one song that reached out and shoved me into physical movement to express this nameless thing I was experiencing. The band I heard is called Novalima and the song is Guayabo. All I can say is listen to it, because at this point English is an inadequate language to describe this sonic emanation. It carries with it something magical and primal directly into and through the listener. Don’t sit back. Don’t relax. It is impossible to do that once these tones hit your ears. Just let go and let it ride.

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