I know that I do not know. Such a simple statement may lead one to the pinnacle of creative possibility. It is not only an acknowledgement of ignorance, which in and of itself is necessary to maintain one’s humility, for arrogance is the fall of many. It is the wonder when one sees something new. Because, if you know that you do not know, that implies that there is so much more to learn and to discover. We can then look unto the world as children do, with wonder and amazement.

We have lost that sensation. Wonder. Everything has been packaged, sold, bought, and recycled. Our own emotions have become a commodity. That thought alone can drive someone into the depths of a self-generated murky psychosis. An event that will then be filmed and blasted into every room in every house as the next episode of Reality. We have been taught to disregard our own lives for the fabulous vicarious life of reality television. It is the death of imagination. The direct conversion of dollar bills into video signals, channels of pure static. The material has become intangible in its quest to replace the spiritual.

The world we perceive contains a plethora of information that leads to many truths. These truths reveal themselves as we shift our perception, stepping beyond our limitations, to see with the Eye that we have forgotten. For it is truly with the third sight that we can attain the acme of cognitive capacity. This is not rote memorization, but an empathetic link to the environment that allowed the very specific set of circumstances for humanity to emerge. This is not rationality. Nor is it faith. It just is.

The acceptance of ignorance and stepping beyond it leads one to greater and greater potential. Greater aptitude in all facets of this journey. I know that I do not know. Now I free my mind of the unnecessary to open myself to wonder.

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