
Pillar of reality. This is a concept I use in conversation with others. I use it to convey the complete overwhelming difference between individuals based on their beliefs. Let me clarify before we move on, by belief I am not just referring to religion. I am encompassing everything that makes up a person’s personality and their actuality. That being said, I have something to say. Music is a pillar of

Back to Basics

There are things in life that one must learn. That is a given. We know this. We anticipate and prepare for this. Yet, nothing can prepare one for life’s hard truths, because the reality is that we most likely will learn through difficulties and anguish. Nothing can prepare one for those days of utter hopelessness and fear. In those times, it is best to get back to basics. As the


What does it mean to be African? What does it mean to carry the responsibility of the torch passed to our generation by those that came before? It’s a strange sense of vertigo looking up and down. My generation stands on the shoulders of giants and yet we are just beginning to climb the ladder of professional success. For some, like me, we are only starting our formal education right

A Few Thoughts

What does one write about when the mind is a shambles? Well, maybe an investigation into the maelstrom is necessary. Putting thoughts through the permanency of ink is a wonderful exercise in ordering the mind. It may also be an exercise in futility. Considering the chaos of our times and the reflection of that disorder on the psyche, I wonder if peace can ever happen. As a people and as

First Post

Well, this is my first post on my first blog. Never thought that I would be writing a blog. Oh well, time to get started. I’m not sure what I plan on using this for. I’m going to let it evolve as it will as I use this medium to for two purposes. To share my thoughts and to write more often. Got over that damn writer’s block. The last