Why does everything always appear so fucking absurd? Why is it that movies like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas resemble truth more than a drug-addled tale? Some days I wake up and feel like the 8th short movie in the Animatrix. Except it’s not short and it’s not fiction. This sense of living in a surreality makes me wonder if I’m not on my personal trip to the dark side of the moon. Then, I watch about 10 minutes of the news and realize that it’s the whole world that’s gone absolutely fucking bonkers. And I have the sneaking suspicion that we have been at an orange level of lunacy for quite some time.

For example, I recently read an excerpt of a comparative essay in my English textbook. The author explains the semantic difference in legislation and activism for the left and the right in regards to abortion. The left wants to reduce the need for abortion while the right wants to reduce the number of abortions. The whole time I’m losing my mind with exasperation. Do we not get or do we not want to get it? If we spent time with the actual root cause of America’s issues instead of the symptoms of the illness, this debate would be obsolete.

I realize that using an example as incendiary as abortion is risky. However, like Eminem says “I just don’t give a fuck!” I am weary of the labels that have grown to divide otherwise complimentary individuals because one might want free healthcare. I don’t know about you, dear reader, but that sounds a little bit fucking nuts to me. We are one people with different cultural roots. Together we form a powerhouse of creative life force. Why are we headed in the opposite direction?

Everything is connected and the more effort that is put into separating the issues the more these issues will grow until they do some crazy anime-morph into a huge Final Fantasy-esque super weapon that’s going to destroy everything that this divine experiment is supposed to be. The more this goes on the more I find myself living more and more inside my imagination. At least hope has a bright presence up there than in reality.

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